Maria, trying to steal Anthony's pancake. She had already had one! She's eating his now, in her chair. I don't know if she's better or not. She was up several times in the night and Mike went in at 5:00 to see if she was warm but she wasn't, she was just up. She went back to sleep til 6:15 or so. GOD it's early to get up, day after day. I have friends whose kids have to be woken up and I just can't imagine it. I have been having this pregnancy carpel tunnel but my OB recommended a brace and it's really helping. I am determined to sleep for six hours in a row before I have this baby, wish me luck!
4 weeks ago
Oh Joanne- yikes! Maybe you should pretend that Maria is a multiple and just start setting your alarm and 'let' her adjust. I had the same sleep problem with Beau when I was early pregnant and it did seen that bad night sleep meant bad day sleep too. I hope you are hanging in there. I wish I could help. I hope your not a caffeine- free girl. It's supposed to lead to low birth weight. I drank everyday with Beau so that aint it
oh no= i posted as my mother,
Ha, at first I thought your Mom was commenting and then I thought why did she have a problem with Beau? Ha! I am not a caffeine free girl because I am pregnant but I did just read that it's not good when you have carpel tunnel but I am still having one strategically placed coffee or diet coke a day. I am working on leaving Maria to cry but she is SO loud that she wakes us up even with both our doors shut! Ugh. I am hoping now that she is feeling better she'll start sleeping better. We'll see!
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