Sunday, July 18, 2010


Ha, this was funny. We were going out to get bagels and donuts this morning and I told Maria to go up and get a shirt and shorts and she brought this down. I was so impressed that she chose them, it's practically an outfit. I was bragging about her to Mike and he said "she didn't pick out those clothes, I gave them to her". Ha! I wasn't nearly as impressed by that!

She is a nut, she starts demanding to get down out of her car seat when we are miles from home. She wants to go "out front" all the time. Allllll the time. She goes outside for two seconds and then wants to come back in. She doesn't like to lie down to have her diaper changed anymore, she just backs up to me, standing, and I'm supposed to put her diaper on that way. She's so funny, though, even if she is as bossy as hell. Ha, like me, I guess.

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