Friday, November 21, 2008

45 Weeks


Maria had a good night last night, I assume. She had to go to sleep last night at like 5:50! I took her up to change her into her nightie and she was such a wreck I just decided to put her to bed. She cried at like 4:00 but I thought she was quiet and I went back to sleep. It turned out I had just turned the monitor down, ha! She cried again at 6:15, which is what time she's been getting up all week. It's earlier than I'd like but what can you do? I think I can only fairly expect her to sleep for 12 hours! Anyway, she is in good spirits. Ha, right as I typed that she started crying.
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1 comment:

Julie said...

Do they make nighties in her size? Ha. Glad you are getting some sleep. Aubrey is still up once and is relentless with the screaming. I just feed her and hope that she will outgrow this stage by the time she is 15.