I'd like to declare my Independence from these people, but it's too late for that, I suppose. It's also illegal, I always tell them when they ask if I am going to go to the store without them, or leave them in the car, or run away, or whatever. Then again, lots of what went on during 1776 was illegal, right? Because they were under a terrible regime? Hmmm. *I* am under a terrible regime! My life is completely unfair! OK, then...
When in the course of Joanne's life it becomes necessary for Joanne to dissolve the familial bands which have connected them with one another, ... that is a good start, right? Fortunately for everyone I have no time to write my own Declaration of Independence, so instead I am just NOT letting Maria stay up late tonight, as we told her she could if she was GOOD, which she has NOT BEEN so the HELL with it.
We went for a walk before, I and the girls, while Mike took Anthony to the store. Anthony is having his first day off from Camp and no school and he's having a hard day. He's whining a lot and crying some and - it's just a hard day, so we are trying everything we can to make it better. Anyway, Mike took him to the store and we went for a walk. I took the double stroller for Lazybones Veronica and Felicity and Maria asked to take her scooter. Maria wanted to walk past her friend Lorelei's street, which we did, but it's so hard - there are no sidewalks and the best part of the road for the scooter is the middle. Of course, that isn't ideal, so Maria had to walk a lot and lord, lord, lord! You would think it was the Trail of Tears, she was dragging that scooter along, like she could barely move! She weighs like 45 pounds, surely it can't be harder to drag that around than me and my fat ass, along with a DOUBLE STROLLER FULL OF PEOPLE! Anyway. At one point, she said to me: BORED! HOT! TIRED! Okay then, I said, let's end our fun walk and go home. I do not even know what to do with her.
I found out that she is going to wear a uniform to school, at my old school where I worked the Kindergarteners didn't wear a uniform but they do at St. Joan of Arc, which is fine by me. I bought her two jumpers from a friend of mine, they are super cute. I think they can wear khakis too, so I should start looking for those, right? How exciting! I can't wait, I was THRILLED the other day to set up the payment account for her and Veronica's tuition.
This coming week, they'll start one day a week back at their preschool for camp, Tuesdays and Thursdays we have swimming, and hopefully we can go to the pool a little bit. It is incredibly challenging for me to take them some place like a pool by myself, but my friend Jill said she'll come with me, and if I could just get Maria to be a more cooperative person, it would be fine. Tuesday we were at the Y and Maria was across the lot from me, taking something to my friend Marta. I saw a car was coming so I said, sternly, "Maria! STOP!". Do you know what Maria did? I'm sure you can guess, but that dummy ran DIRECTLY into the line of traffic. I mean, she is so eager to do the opposite of what I say that she is willing to KILL HERSELF. I don't know how to deal with that. I'm so tired of telling her no and saying the same thing over and over I want to run away.
So hopefully we'll send them to bed early tonight and eventually she will get it, she will understand that she can't just do whatever she wants and ignore me. I hope something starts to take with this girl, because I am at the end of my rope.
Here's a cute picture of her today, to soften the blow of these harsh words:
4 weeks ago
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