At the Museum, last week. Its' the first time we've gone since she turned three, so she could go on a horse that went up and down. I was afraid she'd be scared, but of course she was fine. She is a tough girl. We had a hell of a crazy time at the museum. It was crazy crowded, I didn't have my stroller, and the girls have reached an age where neither of them want to do the same thing AND they are both able to get away from me. I lost Maria once - thank God my friend Nami was there because she went to the one exhibit to look for her while I looked where we WERE. I won't go there again with the two of them unless I have the stroller, because at least then I can strap V in while I chase Maria. She went to school today and she did great with the potty thing ALL day. She always does well there, potty-wise. She's only had one accident in months. We are working on it at home more, both of us, and it's going well. She is doing fine, although I wish she ate better. I wish she liked juice less and wasn't so obsessive about having her own way. I feel like all I say, all day, is NO! Lucky for me, she can be super hateful, so I don't feel as bad as I would if she were nice about it.
4 weeks ago