This dress is one of Colleen's and I think it might be home made? It doesn't have any tags, anyway. It's a dress and leggings and it's SO cute. It's chilly here today, so we are digging out the warmer weather clothes. Maria was up at the crack of dawn this morning, screaming and screaming and kicking her crib. It is a very unpleasant way to wake up, but it dawns on one later that it's more pleasant for her to be screaming in crib at 5:30 than screaming in your face at 8:00, because she is so tired she can't see. She just got up from a 90 minute nap and is NOW screaming and kicking on the floor, because, I guess, she is still tired? Hungry? Teething? Who the hell knows. It's a very, very, VERY unpleasant way to live your life, with this nitwit screaming in your face the whole time. Still, cute dress, right?
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