Maria is sick! Ay yi yi, this poor baby! I worked last night and texted Mike to ask him how it was going, I always do shortly after bedtime and he said "not good. M has thrown up twice". Since it's not common for him to call himself M or talk about himself in the third person, I figured it was Maria, even though I was SHOCKED because when last I saw her she seemed fine! She played on the playground after school and then went to her friend Paige's house. Paige's mom brought her home right after I left for work and Maria said her head hurt, then she threw up all over the couch, took a bath, moved to the chair and fell asleep, and then threw up all over THAT! Sheesh! Mike fixed her up and put her in bed and then cleaned the cushions from said furniture and went to bed. She asked for water when I got home and then she threw that up very soon after. She came into my bed and I slept with her, while Mike got some rest in her room. She kept bugging me and bugging me for water and I felt so bad for her I gave her some, and then I felt bad for ME, since she threw up all over both of us and my damned bed, ha!
I think that was it for the night and we had hopes that maybe it was out of her system. She wasn't warm anymore and when Anthony had it, he got better quickly. I dressed her for school, she really wanted to go as it was picture day. Also, she only sees the Love of Her Life, Samuel, on Monday and Tuesday. She picked out her clothes for Seeing Samuel on Monday on SATURDAY. She is VERY SERIOUS about him! So she wore an adorable pink dress with gray and pink argyle tights and then BOOM, she threw up again. She cried and cried when I told her that she couldn't go to school. Veevsy seemed fine, so she went and boy were we jealous!
She's been off and on sleeping today, then she woke up from a late nap and asked for water so we gave her a sip, first one, then another, and it seemed okay so she ate a hot dog for dinner and, um, sure it was probably DUMB to give her a hot dog but she was so hungry and she seemed okay but NO she wasn't because she threw that up, too. THEN she threw up the Advil we gave her before bed so basically we're not giving her any more food or water, ever. Kidding! But come on, man! I hope she is better soon.
I'll say this about old Maria - she is the toughest girl I know. And when she tries to take deep breaths to not throw up, she is so serious and cute I can't stand it. She hasn't whined at all, she did cry about not going to school, but she took it like a champ. I love her so much and I told her today, I would rather take that sickness than have her have it. And not just for the weight loss, ha!
4 weeks ago
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