Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Death and Dying

So Death and Dying is a phase of Health Class that we used to take in high school, I think our senior year.  However, Maria would like to start this class RIGHT NOW.  JEEZ, she has been asking about death a lot lately.  She's been asking Mike the following questions:

  • Do only old people die? 
  • Really old people?
  • Do we know any old people?
  • Is she going to die? 
  • Is she really old?  
Ay yi yi!  She is a smart thing and it's hard to keep up with her!  Sunday we were in church and kind of a crazy guy came in and started yelling.  It was all taken care of really quickly, apparently, he's come in there before, but no sooner was the guy gone than Maria came over to me.  She asked me who was that guy?  I said I don't know who he was.  She said why was he yelling?  I said he was mad.  She said why was he mad?  I said there was something wrong with him, that he was sick in his head.  She said if he was sick in his head, why did he come to church?  I said well, sometimes you don't know that you don't feel good until you get there.  Like how sometimes you go to school, I said, and then later they call and say you don't feel good and you have to go home?  She said, did they call his mom?  I said maybe.  Sheesh!  And I was really nervous and having to riff on all these questions, it was crazy.  

We start swimming next week, thank the good Lord.  We went strawberry picking this week, on Tuesday.  She told me on Monday that going to the store was NOT going out, that it didn't count as DOING SOMETHING.  Ha, what can I do?  I've had a good four years where she thought a trip to the store was actually a trip somewhere, but the jig is up now.  

1 comment:

Hannah said...

I got "is God going to die? Was God alive when the dinosaurs were here? If I die and you put water on me will I come back to life??" just today from Nathan.