Maria is doing very well in third grade. She is playing kickball and while they have NEVER won a game, and in fact sometimes have the crap pounded out of them and have to rely on the mercy rule of scoring, she herself is pretty good and she seems to be having fun. She loves to make musically videos and she loves to sing and do gymnastics. She is the most persistent, dogged person I have ever met. She is unbelievably dramatic and she literally cannot stop once she is on a roll, screaming about the unfairness of LIFE! We are working on it. She is good at math and that's her favorite subject this year, so far.
I don't know, because she is our oldest neuro-typical child, I don't know what kind of 8 year old she is, comparatively. Sometimes people on facebook say like, that their child is so caring and giving, kind and sweet, a real St. Mother Teresa! And I think, really? Really they are kind and good and so selfless and so ADULT, at eight? Maybe it's true but not for me. I try not to feel bad about it. I do think she is mostly perfect, I wish she would be better in church, take Communion more seriously but what can I do but keep taking her? My sister Laura said she saw Maria and Mike in church last night - I had to work during the day so I went early and they went late. She said Maria was good and never went to the bathroom once. Is it just me? Are they just super bad with me? Because that makes me kind of mad! Whatever, I should be grateful she does so well and be patient with the rest. Here are some cute pictures.
4 weeks ago
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