Time is just flying away. Mike is home with the girls today on their Fall Break while I'm at work so he might feel differently, ha! I had Maria's conference and she's doing just fine, she has her lowest grade of 93 in Science, which I think is mostly a talking problem. She is super bright and she is really doing better this year with the talking thing, so things are good. She is still driving us crazy at home. On Saturday, she and Veronica got this idea that they wanted to have their friends over for a Sleepunder, where they don't sleep over but they hang out and play and do everything they would do at a sleepover. But I didn't want them to have anyone over, I had to work two shifts on Sunday, Maria was going to go to Mass with Mike early on Sunday, I had to go to Mass Saturday night, I was tired and I have shingles and - I just wanted to have a night where no one came over! I feel entitled to this! So Maria kept ignoring me, just making her invitation and when I finally said LOOK! We are not having anyone over tonight, sorry!, they both were crying and sobbing like they were being sent to their death and I am not exaggerating. What would they ever do if they had real problems? It ended up to be fun, we rearranged the furniture in their room and we had root beer floats, it was fine. It always ends up fine. I saw a thing this week about teenage girls, post its to remind the mom that "her emotions are not your emotions" and "I should be the calm in the storm" and I thought, yeah! That is all true! It's hard to remember though, when you are tired and sick and stressed out, which I always am! Anyway, here's some cute pictures.
4 weeks ago