So. Today I was home with the three girls and my mom was coming to get Maria and Veronica and take them out for a Day of Fun. I took Felicity upstairs for a bottle and a nap and I told the girls, I'll be down in 15 minutes, please stay down here and be quiet. Two minutes after I went upstairs the phone rang and I heard Maria scream, I'LL GET IT! IIIIIIIII'LLLLL GEEEEEEEET IITTTTTTTTTT! She scraped the chair over to the counter and got the phone and bellowed, HELLLLOOOOOO into it. Then I heard her clomping up the stairs and she barreled into the room, followed closely by her henchman Veronica. The baby was all, what the hell? and wide awake and Maria yelled at me, handing me the phone, HE WANTS TO TALK TO YOU, TO MY MOM. It was the Orthotic place for Anthony, with some long ass involved questions about our insurance. So I talked to that poor girl, over Maria and Veronica yelling and over the Backyardigans, that Maria turned on. I finished with her and hung up and I asked Maria to take the phone downstairs and please let me get the baby to nap. So they left and then I heard the garage door open and Maria screamed and I mean SCREAMED, GRRRAAAAAAANNNNNDDDDDMAAAAAA! and then she clunkered down the stairs and I was terrified that she'd fall. And this may sound rotten but I was scared she'd fall and hurt herself, but mostly I was afraid of the way that she would SCREAM even if she had a PERCEIVED injury. I hate when she falls down because oh, Lord, the yelling is insane-o.
So. I lay the baby down and she promptly started screaming but I figured the heck with her for a minute and I got the girls' stuff together and they and my mom left. I went back up to the baby and got her to sleep but by the time she calmed down, I was late to meet my friends. She woke up after about a half hour and I went to meet them and I was saying how it's hard for the baby to get any naps in because Maria and Veronica were jerks and they both looked at me like I was a crazy person. But - but - they were being jerks. I mean, it's not like I expect much different, I know they are four and almost three years old but WOW, do they have to be so loud? Maria is so, so loud. I want to stick my fingers in my ears all the time. I have been listening to Pandora in the car, so I can NOT listen to the Wiggles or whatever the hell and Maria can't stand it. She talks to me the whole time, "what are you doing? what are you listening to? Mom? Mom? MOOOOOOMMMMM?" I love them but they are jerks.
4 weeks ago
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