So she napped for an hour at 9:30 and woke up hot and crabby and headachy. Now she's napped again and is doing a little better, I guess. She got her haircut yesterday and was the best haircut-tee ever. Sheesh - when she wants to do something and is happy about it, no one is happier! She was charming and sweet at the hair place.
But I'll tell you how she is. This morning at 6:30, I brought her in to Mike, who was still sleeping, and we all lay down for a while. I put her on the pillow and pulled up the blanket and put my arm around her and snuggled in and she said "Mommy?". I said, yes?, thinking she'd say something about how nice this was or something. Instead she said, "what Maria doing today?". Sigh. Even sick, she wants to go go go.
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