My nephew Parker came over today and Maria was shy with him at first but then she warmed up. He and she kicked and threw the ball around, so of course she loved that. I said, when she was being shy, "it's Parker! From our prayers? Remember?" and she said, really quietly, "Parker!".
We went to a playroup today, and she went and sat in the STROLLER to 'take a rest'. She wakes up too early but I think maybe she is getting sick, too. She's been a little warm all day. I'm keeping an eye on her and I am praying whatever it is is gone by Monday when she is supposed to start preschool. Mike went to the parent meeting last night and said they are going to work on colors and shapes this year, which of course Maria already knows so. I hope she's not bored, I have a bad feeling about how she'll be when she's bored. :)