Wednesday, June 8, 2016

First Holy Communion

Here are some pictures from Maria's first communion.  I WISH she hadn't run around like a lunatic before her actual communion because her hair is messy but whatever, I'm not worried about it, really.  She really is a good girl and was a good first communicant.

Eight years, four months

I just noticed the ticker at the top of the page said she is 8 years, 4 months old.  How funny that we used to count days and then weeks and months and now she is 8, is all I ever think.  She is doing just fine, she is driving me crazy but less often.  I mean, she is as relentless as ever for bugging me about things but she also has good qualities which are becoming more obvious.  She has been a real help to me lately, which I appreciate.  She is a great swimmer, I don't have to worry about her at all at the pool.  They still freak out every time I tell them to do anything, like clean their room or the living/toy room but it's less and less.  We are onward and upward, as usual.