Monday, April 29, 2013

Five Things from Last Friday

Okay, Maria is the last blog I want to update for Five Things for Last Friday, but of course it's Monday.  Also I'd like to put up some video and I will, I promise!  But it's hard because I have to upload it and that takes forever and then I have to link to it, and I usually forget in the middle that I'm doing it.  Also I just looked at the clock and I have to wake up Felicity and go get the girls so this will have to wait, but I swear I will finish before Monday is out!  Sheesh!  It's five measly things!

OK I'm back and I have to leave again in five minutes.

1.  I was looking at Maria's will be Kindergarten class' web page and I'm so excited I can't stand it.  They are studying Jackson Pollack in art class, they are learning about grouping numbers in Math, etc. etc.  I just know she's going to do so well.

2.  She is getting really good on her scooter!  She does tricks and everything!

3.  Next week there is a Muffins with Mom program at her school, it's an end of the year thing, it sounds super cute.  After school today she said, in Her Loud Voice:  MOM!  THERE IS A MUFFINS THING NEXT WEEK AND YOU CAN COME!  AND HAVE A MUFFIN!  Ha!  Okay, then.  Her teacher said I can bring Felicity, ay yi yi, I said okay but you'll be sorry.

4.  We signed a bunch of cards recently, for Mike's mom, my Dad, Maddelena, and she signs everyone's name.  We only have to tell her how to spell Felicity, everyone else, she remembers.  Genius.

5.  Her favorite songs for me to sing right now are The Rainbow Song that Dorothy Sings and The One About the Cat?  Don Cato?  

1 comment:

Leeann said...

She does sound super smart! I like the way you know and appreciate all your kids individually. Not an easy task with your busy life!