Monday, July 26, 2010

Babies in Sinks

Maria, in the sink this weekend. You can see our new kitchen color in this picture, it's much less orange (and more boring) now. The house is all finished and it all looks great! Maria and Veronica and I went out every day last week, I can't think of the last time that happened. Today I'm going to look at a preschool for Maria, at a local Y. I've heard very good things about it. I was going to take her to a co-op preschool, but it's looking like it might be too much of a time commitment for me, with regard to Veronica. It's not worth it for me to save $40 a month on a co-op if I have to spend $50 for babysitting. ANYWAYS.

I wanted to record a few things Maria has been saying, it's super cute. She calles pickles 'tickles'. Veronica has been getting into pickles lately and Maria calls them tickles, she asks for them too, but then she doesn't want them. I think she just likes to say it. Did I say she says 'two hands' for holding hands? Yesterday we were sitting on the couch and she put her hand out to me and said "two hands?", so we sat there and held hands for a while. She's as relentless as ever, but she's so cute and funny, a lot is forgiven.
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