Monday, October 6, 2008

Eating, this morning


Maria and I went for a walk today in our neighborhood. It's super nice out today and I can't imagine it will last too much longer so off we went. It was a hard walk, though - we got sort of acosted by a woman who asked me to come in a) her garage and then b) her house to call her cell phone because she had lost it while out running. She didn't speak good enough english for me to argue with her, plus she was just slightly bigger than Anthony so I wasn't afraid of her, so I went. We couldn't find her phone and she was really upset. We talked about how she should go to the Sprint store so they could turn her phone off and then we left her. It was a nice condo, I've never been in there before.

THEN we walked by a dead cat on the next street - I don't think it had been hit or anything, I was talking to Mike at the time and he said maybe poison? WHO CARES? It was a freaking gross thing to see. The sidewalks are kind of a mess, too, in our hood. There's a trail I could walk to but a) it's kind of a hike just to get there and b) it's right on the city streets and they can be kind of noisy (trucks, buses, etc.) for Maria. So we just walked around our neighborhood and dealt with the cell phones and the dead cats. Fresh air, I keep telling myself. Fresh air.
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